Several weeks ago, we set off to Dunblane to run a Luxury Fascinator Making class for the lovely Almudena and her hens.  The fascinator making class was being held in the lovely Westlands Hotel  which was beautifully decorated with fresh flowers and gorgeous decor.  We were very impressed to discover that two of the ladies were in fact Captains of aircraft – very cool! After some instruction, the ladies set to work and we soon discovered that they were  a very creative bunch of hens indeed. They came up with some stunning designs and each of their fascinators were very different.  Their designs ranged from a statement royal blue feather fascinator, to an elegant pastel pink piece, a gorgeous black and green feathery fascinator to a “boho” pleated pastel design. They also enjoyed a delicious spread of food put on by Jody and her mum. Jody’s little boy even joined in for a short while and we helped to make him a little Red Indian feather head piece!

They were such a lovely group of hens and we loved running the fascinator making class for them.  Here are some snaps of the afternoon and their creations:

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