As I mentioned in my previous blog post, a few weekends ago we had a bit of a fascinator making frenzy in Edinburgh when we ran two large hen party fascinator making classes simultaneously.

Danielle and Rona took one of the classes and had a very talented bunch of ladies to teach! The hens were all making their fascinators before heading off to a burlesque dancing class so came ready wearing their garters 🙂 They all got stuck into the fascinator making class and once again all chose very different designs.  One hen did some lovely embroidery worm on her fascinators, whilst others worked with some nice savings to create some stunning designs. We had lots of lovely vintage style brooches for them to choose from so there was plenty of sparkle in amongst their fascinators. The girls all enjoyed a buffet with Prosecco in Hemma, Edinburgh to keep them going throughout the class.  They all managed to complete their fascinators so each of the hens left with their unique creations in their lovely gift bags.

Thanks to the organiser Sheelagh and all the hens for allowing us to share a few pictures of all the hens in action and also of them modelling their masterpieces at the end of the the hen party fascinator making class.

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