Fascinator Making in the snow…!

Fascinator Making in the snow…!

Well it’s been quite a while since we blogged about our classes so I thought it was about time to start letting you know what we’ve been up to! I’ll start with a lovely class we ran up in Perthshire a few weeks ago. It was the very snowy weekend and...
Fascinator Making Hen Party Fun in Edinburgh’s West End

Fascinator Making Hen Party Fun in Edinburgh’s West End

Katy and I had an absolute ball running a fascinator making hen party class for a wonderful group of hen’s in Edinburgh’s West End a couple of weekends ago. The girls were renting a lovely large and airy apartment in the West End so we had plenty of space...
Hen Party Fascinator Making in Edinburgh’s New Town

Hen Party Fascinator Making in Edinburgh’s New Town

Hello! I hope you all had a fabulous summer! We were juggling kids, hols and classes all summer so have been busy bees! I’m not sure I’ll be able to catch up on all the blogs but wanted to share a couple from some of the classes we ran, starting with this...
Hen Party Fascinator Making in the Corinthian Club

Hen Party Fascinator Making in the Corinthian Club

We recently ran one of our fascinator making classes in Glasgow’s Corinthian Club for a lovely hen party organised by Terri.  We were using the lovely Skean Dhu room in the Corinthian Club so there was plenty of room for the hens to enjoy a fantastic Afternoon...